Thursday, October 27


I seem to remember that one time at Albertson's...
you grabbed my arm, and we up and danced!
That music- so poor. But we were perfect;
alone in a crowd, alone in a world of our own.

The first time we ever met- for our very first date...
you were tired, jet lagged for sure, and red were your eyes.
But you came out to see me, so excited, and up we went.
You told me you were cold, but I left on my jacket!

We've moved pretty far from there, haven't we?
I'm here for you now, if you ever do need me.
But... I don't think you do anymore.
I think- you're just a bit too busy out finding yourself.

Together, it felt like we were perfect.
I was sure we could've taken on the world...
Together, we would do it.
So... why aren't we?

Do you remember when we laid, and stared up at the stars?
How bright. Then the rain came, and tumbled down upon us.
A frigid night, and I could feel you shaking- but I was warm
because you were there with me.

I've held you in my arms and whispered, that
"Everything I had ever wanted in this world is laying
right by my side"- and I guess I just
want you to know that I meant every word.

Together we really seemed perfect.
We said we could take on the world.
Together, we would.
So why aren't we?

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